Junior Clay Club

Jan 29, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pearl City Clay House
220 East 2nd St, Jamestown, NY 14701
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Pearl City Clay House 220 East 2nd St
Jamestown, NY 14701

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Bring your littles ages 2-6 to our Wednesday morning sensory play group. Held monthly on the last Wednesday of the month, this is a chance for your child to explore playing with different materials, including clay, and you don't have to worry about the mess! Each month will feature a different themed project - and it's up to you whether to focus on play or generating a product. An adult is expected to remain with the child during the event to help facilitate the activity.

716-488-2529   |   info@pearlcityclayhouse.org   |   Website

Pearl City Clay House
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